Saturday, June 27, 2009


There's been so much news about Michael Jackson's death, I decided to just watch one. My fave song is Thriller. Or Beat It. In Science class, I was in the "too smart to need this" basic-skills group, and we had a crazy teacher. She was so fun! Most times... But anyway, we had a sub., and we got to play cherades the last 20 minutes of B.S and we all did moves from Thriller. I did the Moonwalk, a boy named Steven did the tiger knee thing. (Tiger's his last name, probably why he did it.), and Sofia, my now WEF, did the moonwalk too. I can't wait for the next talent show! It's so fun just having everyone go all silent in disbelief. I have such a boy voice it isn't funny, but when I sing it's so much like Miley Cyrus. It's amazing! I hope I'm the next Hannah Montana. Or something like that... BUT, I need a band. Or musicians. You know what, I may just do like Guitar Hero and sing already made songs. Yeah, that way it'd be easier to find a tune. No high notes please! Well, I'm gonna go 'tubing now. Arrivedennce! (sorry if I mispelled i!)

Friday, June 26, 2009


Sorry I didn't blog yesterday. I was sick to my stomach. Probably from eating so much banana bread at 3:00 in the morning. My mom, bro, and I went into a uniform shop, and some guy who's 19 or 20 was checking me out. But he was cute. Definite 6 out of 10! Read my 1st and 2nd post, and you'll get it. I love YouTube.... It's like your own personal playlist for those who've lost their iPod, or MP3! I also love Twitter. Ahhh, tweeting and 'tubing. I ate a double cheesburger today, and now I think I'm gonna blow up. I can barely stomach a single burger! And then we went to Oklahoma to Commanche Red River Casino to buy some ciggarattes. Not for me!! I almost threw up. Blech! I can't find our Grease 2 DVR disc. Now I'm sad. My sister's dog Puck is SO CUTE! (He's a wolf/German shepard/Husky mix) Whenever he's in trouble, he gets these big ol' eyes, and says, "maoma"! It sounds like mama! Sheiba (my puppydog) just sits and looks at you. She has huge cow eyes! Litteraly. My BFF Chas is so freaky. She feels like someone's always watching her. I'm no better, my posters of Jonas Brothers, Taylor Swift, etc. ALWAYS STARE STRAIGHT AT YOU. I get dressed in the bathroom now. I adore the Jonas Brothers. Show me a picture, I squeel like a little 3-year-old. Same for Miley Cyrus. I always EEP. I think I have Insomnia most DEFINETLEY now. I fall asleep at 7:00 or 5:30. A.M! I want a boyfriend... I didn't have one ALL YEAR, 5th grade was a slow year.... Past my prime, and I'm only 12... WAAAHHH!!! Maybe it's 'cuz I'm all punk-y and tomboy dressed. I hate bugs though. Ewwww. There was a water roach in my house, and it was ON ME! I screamed Bloody Murder. Well I'm gonna Twitter now. Lebewohl!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Poor Kitty!!

If you go on YouTube or, there's a song called Shii's song. It's IMPOSSIBLE not to cry! I spent at least 5 minutes crying. I-was-SOAKING!!!! Her jerkish kitty-crush had another kitty. She moved away... Some people said she died of heartache, but there's footprints by the box. Plus, the creator said she didn't die, just moved, unbearable to stay near the tomcat who broke her heart... (That's poetry! YAY!) I just watched and now I look like I stuck my face in water. You gotta be the coldest person alive to no feel sorry for her! I'm putting some Hillary Duff songs on my YouTube playlist. I wonder if tears can run dry?..... Omg, I just thought of a new song! Post it when I'm done! Bon Voyage!


I'm REALLY mad now. Some punk used Mia. It's the perfect name for me. In Latin it means mine. Well, maybe it's really common, so never mind. But I still like it. I think my mom used Hayley (my actual name) on my Jr. High Form. I love how you can change your first name on the entry forms!!! I don't know if I should write my new song lyrics on here. I'm scared someone will steal them, but I really want to know what people think about them. I think I will. (Please don't be too mean!) When I feel like crashing down, you are always around. By my side all through the ride! Whenever, wherever, baby. No Matter What. Hold me tight, all day and night. Don't let go. No matter what! When I am talking to you, I can't help but stutter. Can't catch my breath. Whenever, wherever. No matter what. Hold me tight, all day and night. Don't let go, no matter what! You, you gotta hold onto me. Never set me free, 'cause I am your's forever! Whenever, wherever. ? No matter what. Hold me tight, day and night. Don't let go, no matter what! Why can't you see, all I need is you, no matter what! Whenever, wherever, no matter what. Hold me tight, day and night, don't let go, no matter what. (the last set of lines go slowish.) Tell me what you think! Ciao for now!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I stayed up too late....

Last night I stayed up until, maybe, about 5:30 last night. Or maybe it was earlier? I think it was actually before 5:30, because Playhouse Disney wasn't on when I fell asleep. My T.V usually stays on Disney 'cuz my parents doen't allow me to watch AdultSwim or Vh1 anymore. My mom always gets ticked when I stay awake that late. She says I can only stay up until 2'o clock, but I stay up later writing songs, or playing Animal Crossing Wild World. I've been playing Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon since I was in 1st grade! That's a long time! I can't decide who's my fave singer/band. Cascade, Demi Lovato, Hannah/Miley, Avril Lavigne, Jonas Brothers, or Hillary Duff? So many choices! I'm really indecisive. Unless I'm going to Sonic. Then it's a Java Chiller or carmel milkshake! Mom just made the most AMAZING banana bread! It's kinda gross, because you have to let the bananas brown until they're super dark. So it's kinda icky I'm eating rotten bananas. But it's worth it! I really want to buy Sims 3, but it's, like, $60 for it! I also wanna get a Grease 2 cd. I wish I looked like Michelle Pfeirre back then. Except I like my dark hair. Messy, dark, yet pretty! The only reason I have dark hair is 'cuz my Daddy's side is German-Jewish. Orthodox, I think. (Sorry if I mispell it!) My computer is acting crazy! So bye!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009


Aloha!!!! I'm Mia, I sing, blog sleep till almost noon, and party (Not ACTUAL partying)!! This was a good day for me 'cuz I just realized I'm almost 12! In 3 months and 5 1/2 days, September 29th! I can't wait till 2 weeks are up 'cuz my BFFs are comin' over for a sleepover! Sweet! I think I should post a resume on Disney, for singing. Can't hit the high notes, but I can sing!!! My friends say I sound almost exactly like Miley Cyrus. That's like the best compliment EVER to me! I almost hate going to YouTube because they keep slamming on the Jonas Brothers, and Miley Cyrus, and every other Disney star. My account name is ' Mia0Rockz '. Mia's not my real name, it's just my nickname. My other one is Kool Kat, like from the Bratz! Chas's Angel, and Kat's Bunny Boo. My fave movie's Grease 2. I would give the main guy (the british one) a solid 20,000 on a scale of 0-10! I wish I was skinnier. I don't like super tight clothes, but I'll have to get used to it! I'm a size 12 in woman's, but I'm really tall, so I look a little skinnier. I wanna be a size 4, or smaller! It's probably from all the popcicles I ate when I was little. Or maybe the yogurt? i dunno. Oh, BTW, if you post on my blogs, plz don't cuss or be a dirty birdy on them. I don't mind 'that chick or dude's sexy, but nothing nastier than that! Okay? I kinda hate going on YouTube, because members trash the singers. If they hate them, then don't talk about it! Blog it. XD Well it's officially 11:07 'o clock! See Ya Later!!!