Thursday, July 30, 2009


I'm so happy, I JUST beat Sims2 on my DS earlier this morning! AND w/ a 100% hotel score! It took me at least a year or 2... But it was well worth it! My BFF Chas-Y dubbed me 'boy-crazy' yesterday. She swears everytime I see a boy, I say he's cute. It isn't my fault that boys are cute! It's their fault. JK! I had a weird dream where I kissed a boy who doesn't even like me. (But we all know he secretly does.) I thought about that the Rat Suit on Sims2 could be made a superhero! Ratgirl, and Ratboy (Ratgirl's name is Naomi, and Ratboy's name is like in the game, Tristen Legend.) and Androigedden, the heat-sensing Robot, who keeps calling Ratgirl a boy,n in which always ticks her off. Maybe the theme song could be Demi Lovato's 'Got Dynomite' or maybe I should write a new soong just for it! I love my creativity!!! Buh-bye!